Waiting to Borrow Capital for Your Business: The Skydiving Parachute Analogy

Waiting to Borrow Capital for Your Business: The Skydiving Parachute Analogy

When it comes to financing a business, the analogy of waiting until your company is on the brink of collapse before frantically searching for funding on the internet is akin to going skydiving and attempting to locate a parachute on the way down. This comparison serves as a stark reminder of the perils of failing to proactively manage your business’s financial health.

The Dangers of Waiting Too Long

Just as a savvy skydiver would never dream of leaping from a plane without a properly functioning parachute, prudent business owners understand the necessity of securing funding well in advance of any financial crises. Waiting until the eleventh hour to seek a business loan can place the entire enterprise in grave jeopardy. Just as plummeting towards the earth at terminal velocity leaves little time for decision-making in the realm of skydiving, the acute financial distress of a business teetering on the edge of insolvency leaves little room for error when it comes to seeking much-needed capital.

The Importance of Preparation

To draw a parallel to skydiving, where adequate preparation and contingency planning are essential to ensure a safe descent, securing funding for your business should be approached with the same level of foresight and readiness. Just as a skydiver meticulously checks and double-checks their equipment prior to leaping into the unknown, astute business owners diligently maintain and cultivate their financial resources well in advance, positioning themselves to weather any unforeseen turbulence that may arise.

Proactive Financial Management

Much like a skydiver studies wind patterns and weather conditions to facilitate a successful jump, business owners must cultivate an acute awareness of their financial landscape. This includes closely monitoring cash flow, managing expenses, and regularly reviewing the company’s financial position to identify potential areas of strain or opportunity for growth. By maintaining a proactive approach to financial management, business owners can strategically position themselves to anticipate and address funding needs long before they become dire.

Seeking the Right Partner

In the same vein that a skydiver relies on a trusted professional to pack their parachute and ensure a safe jump, businesses seeking financing must carefully select a reputable and reliable funding partner. Establishing a strong and transparent relationship with a trusted lender like LVRG can provide a lifeline when financial challenges loom on the horizon. By cultivating a well-established connection with LVRG, businesses can expedite the borrowing process and access the necessary capital without succumbing to the panic and urgency of a last-minute scramble for funds.

Mitigating Risk and Embracing Opportunity

Just as a successful skydive requires meticulous risk management to mitigate potential hazards, astute business owners must actively seek to minimize financial risk while maximizing opportunities for growth. This includes evaluating different funding options, understanding the associated terms and conditions, and formulating a comprehensive strategy for utilizing borrowed capital to drive the business forward. Waiting until the last moment to secure funding significantly limits the ability to evaluate and leverage these opportunities effectively, much like attempting to locate a parachute mid-descent.


In summary, the analogy of waiting until your business is on the verge of collapse before hastily seeking funding is akin to the reckless act of skydiving without a pre-packed parachute. Through careful preparation, proactive financial management, and the cultivation of strong partnerships, business owners can effectively position themselves to navigate financial challenges with resilience and confidence. Much like a successful skydive requires meticulous planning and preparation, securing funding for your business demands a strategic and forward-thinking approach. By heeding this cautionary analogy, business owners can steer clear of the perilous freefall of financial distress and instead, soar to new heights of success.

By Charles M. Barr, CEO of LVRG Business Funding